Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Happily Never After (S1E1): Once Upon A Time

Important Characters (There will a character profile for each as I progress, to prevent spoilers):
Angelica: The main character
Sofia: Angelica’s best friend
Marcello: A new kid in school


Scene: Angelica is writing in her diary, while the viewer peers over her shoulder reading her diary
Angelica (Text): Dear reader, my name is Angelica.
I'm sixteen, and this is my story.
Now, you always hear stories about those cliché freshmen and how they always fall in love instantly with someone when they set foot in a high school.
My story is different.
First of all, I’m not a freshmen, I’m a junior. 
Second of all, I HAVE NOT fallen completely heads over heels for anyone yet.
But I have come close to that. 
This is the story of my life and when I met a boy who I thought would be the one.
And how it all went downhill afterwards.
Maybe after this, I will be able to find my happily ever after.
Scene: The viewers see an empty school hallway, while Angelica “voice-overs” via text on the screen
Angelica: As how all stories go, we’ll start at the beginning.
A little before my life went spiralling downhill.

Scene: School background with many high school students rushing past. Sofia and Angelica are talking, however Angelica looks positively dead.
Sofia: another first day of school, it’s our second last one can you believe it Angelica? Angelica?!!?
Angelica: ll yawns ll sorry what?
Sofia: you like positively dead? What's wrong?
Angelica: it's my parents again, they kept me up all night with their screaming.
Sofia: Again?! What were they arguing about this time?
Angelica: Does it matter? If they keep going down this path...
Sofia: Don't say it, DON'T EVEN THINK IT!
Angelica: Fine, but nor saying doesn't mean that it isn't going to happen.
Sofia: No sense in being so down so early in the morning. Even if it is a Monday.
Angelica: ll silence ll
Sofia: Woah, no laughter, not even a hint of a smile? Must be even more worse than usual.
Angelica: ll silence ll
Sofia: I know what will cheer you up! We can go see if there are any new kids! Maybe we’ll find a boy for you!
Angelica: Sofia, for the last time, I DON'T NEED A BOYFRIEND.
Sofia: Woah chill, I was just trying to cheer you up.
Angelica: I know, sorry, I'm just a bit stressed.
Sofia: It's alright, I know it's hard, anyways we've got to go to class. What do you have first?
Angelica: English
Sofia: Boooo I have trig. See you at lunch?
Angelica: Yep, see you.

Scene: In a classroom, an unknown boy is sitting next to Angelica, and there is a teacher at the front of the room.
Teacher: Alright, welcome to Grade 11 English! I hope that you are all looking forward to a fun filled semester! Let's get to know each other. Here, turn to your elbow partner and introduce yourself. Then guess what each other’s interests are. Go!
Angelica: ll turns ll
Marcello: ll turns ll Hi!
Angelica: hi
Marcello: I'm Marcello, and I'm new!
Angelica: Angelica, and nice to meet you.
Marcello: So I guess I have to guess what you like? I'm guessing you love English. In fact, you already read Romeo and Juliet for this year during the summer!
Angelica: ll shocked ll What? How did you know? I thought you were supposed to be new?
Marcello: ll smugly ll I might be new, but I have eyes. Saw your copy of R and J in your backpack. Since I'm obviously correct, you have to guess!
Angelica: Uhh ll blushes ll I'm not too good at this. I guess you like sports? Namely soccer?
Marcello: Great, another mind reader. How'd you know?
Angelica: You're not the only one with eyes Einstein. ll points to soccer cleats hanging out his backpack ll
Marcello: Oh yeah. Forgot about those.
Angelica: So what else do you like?
Marcello: Well, I love food!
Angelica: What kind?
ll bell rings ll
Angelica: Oops gotta run to the portables!
Marcello: Wait! Can you tell me where the bio room is?
Angelica: Down the hall to your left, I've really gotta run! Nice meeting you!
Scene: In the cafeteria, Sofia is sitting faced the door and is having an intense conversation with Angelica. Marcello walks in halfway through their conversation and joins them.
Sofia: Wait, so you're telling me that you met a new kid, a BOY and you DIDN'T invite him to sit with us for lunch? What were you thinking?!!?
Angelica: I was thinking that if I was late for calculus, Mr. Tong would have my head.
Sofia: that's not a good excuse. ll turns ll isn't that him there? Go ask him!
Angelica: But…
Sofia: No buts NOW MOVE!
Angelica: Umm hey Marcello, it’s me, Angelica from English? Me and my psycho friend
Sofia: Hey! I heard that!
Angelica: Yeah that one, were wondering if you would like to join us for lunch ll blushes ll that's if you haven't already been asked?
Marcello: I would love to sit with you guys. And here I was thinking that I would be the loser new guy sitting alone on the first day of school!
Angelica: ll blushes ll Great!
Angelica: Sofia, I think the whole caf can hear you!
Sofia: ll lowers voice ll Woops got a little carried away.
Marcello: ll smirks ll Nice to meet you Sofia with a f and not a ph, I'm Marcello.
Sofia: Oh I've heard all about you, Angelica here hasn't stopped talking about you since we sat down!
Angelica: ll blushes ll WHAT?!!? I haven't! You were the one asking AND doing the talking! I just sat here listening!
Sofia: Details, details. So Marcello, what courses do you have this semester?
Marcello: English with Angel can I call you that?
Angelica: ll blushes ll sure
Sofia: ll whispers loudly ll He already has a nickname for you!
Angelica: ll glares at Sofia ll
Marcello: ll continues unaware ll Biology, Fitness and Functions. What about you two?
Sofia: Trig, Visual, Physics and Functions. Were in the same functions class! What about you ANGEL?
Angelica: ll blushes and glares at Sofia ll English, Calculus, and Co-op
Marcello: Co-op? For what?
Angelica: Teacher's Assistant
Marcello: Awesome! What do you want to teach? Wait let me guess, English?
Angelica: ll looks down ll yep
Marcello: Cool!
Sofia: What do you want to be Marcello?
Marcello: Well, I've always wanted to be a ballerina...
Sofia: Really?
Marcello: Nope! These muscles weren't made for dancing. I either want to be a professional soccer player or a kinesiologist.
Sofia: A what?
Marcello: You know, stuff to do with the body and how it works and stuff.
Sofia: Oh! Well I want to be an architect!
Marcello: Seems to me that I've made a group of very intelligent friends! An English whiz and an architect to be! Angel, are you always this quiet?
Angelica: ll looks up from book ll Huh?
Sofia: Oh that's normal, she reads I talk we eat.
Marcello: So it doesn't bother you that she isn't listening?
Sofia: Oh she listens!
Angelica: Every word. Unfortunately
Sofia: See!
ll bell rings ll
Sofia: Marcello, I'll walk with you to class, my Physics room is right next to the gym. Have fun at co-op Angelica!

Scene: Angelica and Sofia are on opposite ends of the page, with a jagged line separating them, indicating that they are not in the same bedroom, but speaking over the phone.
Sofia: ll on the phone ll No way! The kids jumped on you!?!!??
Angelica: Yeah! And they actually managed to topple me over!
Sofia: Sounds awful!
Angelica: Actually I loved it! They're all so cute! ll hears screaming from downstairs ll Uh oh gotta go, sounds like dads home.
Sofia: Good luck
Angelica: I'm gonna need it.
The fight comes from downstairs, with the viewer still in Angelica’s bedroom. The viewer cannot see her parents.
Mom: Why are you back so late?
Dad: Well I have a job to do unlike someone, and why isn’t there dinner?
Mom: I might not work but I do have other stuff to do, make your own food.
Dad: Can’t a man come home to a nice warm dinner?
Mom: IM RESTING!!!!!
Angelica: Ugh, why do my parents have to argue so much? Why can't they be like what they were before? ll cries ll
ll falls asleep and dreams ll

Scene: Angelica is dreaming while these memories whiz by
Sofia: Find a boy for you!
Marcello: Angel, can I call you that?
Marcello: a ballerina!
Marcello: With an F and not a PH
Marcello: You love English!
Marcello: I love food!

Scene: Angelica wakes up, but not with a full memory of the dream. She feels a bit happier, but she doesn’t know why.
Angelica: ll wakes up ll What a strange dream.
ll looks at time ll
Oh no! I'm late for work!
ll dresses ll
ll runs ll
Scene: Angelica is outside her workplace, and the moon and stars are already out, meaning that she slept for a really long time. There are bushes in her path.
Angelica: Woah! I must have slept a long time! Hopefully my boss will understand.
Unknown: ll Rustle rustle ll
Angelica: What’s that?
Unknown: ll twig snaps ll
Angelica: Alright who’s there?
Unknown: ll silence ll
Angelica: I can see you, come out!
Angelica: ll looks ll
ll eyes widen ll

Episode ends with Angelica looking very shocked. Fade to credits.



1 comment:

  1. wow I really like this story can you update it please P.S we are exactly the same in personality stuff keep up the good work

    yours truly zing78 Campbell please reply
