Thursday, 27 February 2014

Balloon Craze Encore

Yay! A new event! However this is an "encore" meaning that Fantage had an original event. This event is almost exactly the same as the original Balloon Craze. The only differences are the prizes from the ticket booth and the Limited Items. But enough of me blabbering on, let's get on with dissecting the event!
Event Info
Information about Balloon Catching
The costumes are the exact same as the last event, so you won't need to buy it if you already have them!
Non-members can catch balloons by wearing the blue balloon catching costume. These balloons look like the one that is showed above. Balloons are floating around Uptown, Carnival and other places. These balloons don't show up as frequently as the star balloons.
Fantagians can collect the star balloons with the Premium member costume.
Further Instructions:
Once you collect 4 balloons, you will instantly float up to the hot air balloon.
Once there, you just click this girl to hand in your balloons and continue to collect your balloons!
Note: If you change out of your costume without handing in your balloons, the ones not handed in will float away!
Cloud Maze
To access the cloud maze, go to the hot air balloon located in Downtown.
In order to go into the maze, you must have one of these costumes.
In the maze, you can collect these items. The silver item coins are for everyone, however the gold coins are for member only. I believe the prizes are the exact same as the ones in the original Balloon Craze. Also, the tickets and gems will appear in the same spot everytime. You are given 2 minutes in the maze, however you can just leave before the time is up and you'll still get the items that you collected. You can use this method to collect gems and tickets quickly.
Sky Diving
This game came out in the first event, and it's the exact same!
Here's a screen shot of me playing the game. Make sure to avoid the blasted seagulls because they'll take your tickets!
There's actually a decent amount of prizes for non-member this time so yay!
 Note: The prizes cost a lot of tickets, so be prepared!

My Opinion
I think that Fantage got a bit lazy with this event. In fact, it's the exact same as the one that came out in 2013! Even the games are the same! The maze is also exactly the same and so are the prizes that are in it!

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