So the Fantage Valentine's Day event has been released under the name "Cupcake Conundrum!" I wonder what their focus is... *sarcasm*
Event Info
So here's the info! I'll take you through each part!
Event Movies
So there's two event movies, only the first one has been released today.
Make Your Own Valentine's Day Card
Yep the title says it all. This isn't related to Fantage, but to the real world. You can design a card and then print it out to give to someone. Knock yourself out...
Limited Items
Valentine's Day Gift Furniture
You can access the catalogue by clicking the gift box at the top right hand corner of your screen.
You'll be taken to this page, where you can choose a gift to give. Note, all of this is furniture.
Once you've chosen the gift, you can either choose a person who is nearby or a buddy to give the present to.
The gifts are all 1000 stars each, so I don't suggest you go around begging people to buy them for you. It's just furniture so there's no point really.
Frosting Fuss
There's two mini games and they're both located at the Star Café.
There is a game called "Frosting Fuss."
The instructions are pretty straight forward.
You need to avoid the flaming obstacles and collect tickets. Some obstacles will stay in one spot while...
Some will fly towards you. Don't worry, you've got three lives!
When you run out of lives, you'll receive some tickets.
Cupcake Chaos 2
There is another game called "Cupcake Chaos" and this is also located at the Star Café.
Here are the instructions, you have sixty seconds to earn points.
Here is the overall screen.
Click this part to get a cupcake base first.
Then choose the appropriate icing.
Choose a topping, then click the plate of the person you want to serve. They will leave and another person will replace them.
If you make a mistake, you can trash the cupcake.
People with golden bubbles will give you more points and in turn, more tickets, serve them first to earn more points faster.
Since there's tickets, there must be prizes! You can access this panel by clicking the golden ticket at the top right hand corner of your screen next to the present box. There's only a medal and bag of stars for nons, so this event is kind of... Not saying anything..
Chocolate Fountain
Who doesn't love a good chocolate fountain? This one is located at the Carnival.
Woot here it is!
My Opinion
I think that this event is alright. It's pretty normal. I'm kind of disappointed with the prizes. And why hasn't Fantage released a scavenger hunt for so long? I love those! Overall, this event is pretty mediocre...
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