Friday, 7 February 2014

Winter Freeze Part 2

Alright, raise your hands if you knew that there was a Part Two of this extensive event? Huh? Anyone? Cause I sure didn't... Well, let's move on...
Event Info
Yep, it says it all, need I say more? The farm stuff is the same as it was before.
Bobsled Items
Buy one of these helmets to participate in the bobsled race. These are located at the Limited Items cart. For the full picture of the limited items click here for the girls and here for the guys.
This is located at the beach, between the skating rink and the Limited Items cart.
Here's the instructions for how to play. Remember, you must have one of the bobsled helmets in order to play. However, you don't need to be wearing it before the game.
Once you click play, you'll be taken to this part. Choose the room that you want to play in. (similar to how the Fashion Show works)
Once you choose your room, you may have to wait for more players.
I'm blue, so when the game starts, arrows will appear on your screen, and you must press the corresponding key on your keyboard.
You'll reach the end and you'll receive tickets, even if you lose.
Here are the prizes, you can either locate them at the carnival or by clicking the golden ticket on the top right hand corner of your screen.
My Opinion
Part Two is infinitely better than Part One! At least there's a mini-game. A critique/concern that I have about the mini-game is that sometimes you end being by yourself on the team. When this happens (well for me) when you press the corresponding key, there is no response and you may end up losing the game. Also when the game starts, there is no chance of you leaving unless you log out. Another thing to be wary about is the fact that after a game, you will still be in the same game room. If you don't want to play anymore, you must click the open door symbol at the top of your screen o leave, otherwise, you will continue to be in the games.  

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